As each New Year approaches, I ask our Heavenly Father
What is His intent with regard to the upcoming year?
Sometimes I receive words and insights,
Which I believe is just for myself
And sometimes I discern it is for others as well.
Normally I post them at my Website
However, since EnterRest is frozen in time 
(Godaddy no longer supports the Program I was using), 
I am moved from now on to Publish more Spiritual Posts
On this Blog
  And elsewhere  
For Spiritual Discernment:

As 2016 began and I opened myself to hear the Heart of God as our Father with a Present Word for the days to come, I started sensing deep within the Joy of our Lord coming forth with a new Song.  I heard, "Father rejoices over each of you with singing." Within my Spirit I saw the Father, Son and Holy Spirit united as One expressed through a many member-ed body of Jesus, ‘The Christ', Who lived from the truth of His perfected state of Being, 'I and the Father are as One'.

Jesus understood in Essence,
 I do nothing on My own initiative, I speak the things as the Father taught Me. The Father abiding in Me does His Works. I do not seek My Own Will but the Will of the Father who sent Me. He that is joined to the Father is One Spirit. Father and I are One that the Son may be Glorified in the Father and the Father in the Son, so they may know You sent Me.”

Jesus redeemed us from the limitations of our Humanity through our identification with Him as a Son of Man and with His Death and Resurrection on the Cross-and that which followed. The appointed time for us to walk in a greater fullness of His truth, through the union of our Spirits as an aspect of His Own, is upon us … perhaps not as we first imagined though. Please allow me to share that which has been made alive within … and after I do so, please do take it to our Father and seek His witness for yourselves.

I have received the understanding as His Holy Spirit overtakes and perfects us, we, as His Inheritance become replete with His Spirit. This phenomenon is substantiated as the answer to Jesus' Prayer as recorded in **John 17, in ever increasing measures as Father’s Eternal Plan continues to unfold; day by day. Those previously Spiritually Dead, awaken from their slumber, having heard the Call, “Awake you who are sleeping and Christ shall shine upon you." Presently eyes to see ever increasing occurrences of such are evidence of the beginnings of the Greatest Spiritual Renaissance to date, in our now, confirmation of His Kingdom coming on earth as it is in Heaven, beginning within.

Since 1978, I have become aware, Spiritual experience births Spiritual Understanding, which grants Godly Wisdom that transforms the spirit of our mind. Such takes us from Faith to a Knowing, from head knowledge to heart knowledge with increased passion, which empowers us to obtain that which is of the seven fold Spirit of God, a step at a time. 

The above culminated in the essence of the following Spiritual Message, which is hard to explain with mere words; it is spiritually discerned. Perhaps it will not be until hindsight that we are given the understanding of the totality of what is being promised in what I am to record, or at least that has been my experiences thus far. 

With that said, may I offer the following Words, that are alive within me for 2016 and beyond? I write that which I hear deep within. Your comments are welcome:

'2016 will bring a refreshing renewal of inner Joy; far greater than You've walked in before ... a dimension, quality and quantity of inner Joy and understanding of My Love none other than The Christ, has at yet conceptualized nor achieved will be attained. I empower each of You to receive of it day by day, through the Unity of Our Spirit. This will take place according to the unfolding of My Eternal Plan established before the Foundations of the World, for such a time as this. Each Present Perfect Moment will be My Perfect Present Moment for each of You.  A Reality I know must Be, to assure each ultimately walks in the ever increasing fullness of My Joy, with the Power of My Manifest Presence embodied within, that comes with Kingdom Authority, My Christed One's will attain, bestowing the Brilliance of God for all to perceive and embrace as Truth.

Rest in the Knowing, when You are born of My Spirit You are translated out of the Kingdom of Darkness and Spiritual Death into My Kingdom of Light, awakened with Eternal Life. Those Who choose to dwell there with Me as One, will abide with inner Peace, Joy and the Righteousness of God which increases through Our Spirits becoming as One, through My Holy Spirit within. As You choose to walk with Me, You will find Yourselves entering deeper into My Kingdom within which will bring You to a higher state of Being and thus Spiritual Consciousness of Our Eternal Union. I have a unique purpose for each of You. Like My Son, You will become aware, the Life Giving Words You speak are My words that are alive within You.  The Anointing that flows through You to Heal, Teach and set captives free proclaims the Gospel of the Kingdom, My Gospel. Living words that quench the Thirsty Soul will pour out of You as My Spirit flowing through You, accomplishing My Will ... declaring that which I desire in the moment with an impartation of Faith that once experienced becomes a Knowing. 

You will Be in awe as You become conscious of the Truth indeed it is in Me, You live and move and have Your BEing, as Eternal Spiritual Beings; not simply because You heard such, but because You experience it as Your Reality. You hear and see from My Eternal Perspective, My Eyes of Eternity. You will rejoice with Us as we sing of and demonstrate Our love as One, with Song.

At their appointed time, some will receive My Words of Life in the Spirit, as those of a Father to their Child, some will receive the Words of a Lover to their Bride, some at one with a Harmonious Companion who loves with all of their Being, desiring only the Best of the Best for all … in All … in Spirit and in Truth. Gradually You will each become conscious of the Truth, You are Embodied with My Spirit as I flow through You with Words of Life that quench the Thirsty Soul ... You will find Rest in this state of Being.

Rest, Cloaked with Humility, graciously extending Grace. Rest, in Our Love and Joy, in Our Counsel, Our Wisdom, Understanding and Might, in the Knowledge of the Spirit and Fear of Your Lord. Outside of My Kingdom will be a great Darkness, do not fear the Darkness as it is not to be a part of You; henceforth perceive all with My Understanding and Knowledge. My Light dwells within each of You born of My Spirit, to expose and expel Darkness, through the entering into and thus receiving OF My Light ... Eternal Life, I bring forth through each of You at Your appointed time in Time and Eternity. 

The choice is always Yours, to Draw close... closer... closer still, in the doing You will experience what I have purposed in Your Present Perfect; through Our Union. My Joy is Your strength ... the Truth of My Love and Might within and among You will be Known, is Known by many seeking Me and My Truth alone, with their whole Being. Rest in the Knowing that comes through the union of Our hearts and minds making Us as One in the Spirit and Truth, in Your Now, from Eternal Now to Eternal Now.'

**John 17 “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also who shall believe in Me through their word, that they all may be one, as Thou, Father, art in Me and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me. And the glory which Thou gavest Me I have given them, that they may be one, even as We are one:  I in them and Thou in Me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that Thou hast sent Me and hast loved them, as Thou hast loved Me.” 

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On 4:58 PM , Kathy said...

Hi Bren. I so appreciated reading your post for 2016 that you received from the Lord. As I was reading it , it felt like what I have been feeling myself in my Spirit lately. It was like I was reading what I would of put into words what I have felt deep within the past while. Like something has changed. Not just "I know" but a "knowing". Your words have confirmed many things for me.

On 4:24 PM , Unknown said...

Thanks kindly Kathy... that is encouraging to read, such comments bring confirmation to me as well. I too feel like this is a Age of "Knowing".

Have you read this from my Website, it might be related? yet: